Participants can apply for intent to apply up to six months prior to official implementation, and after careful preparation, some participants have already begun scheduling or have already had a plan development meeting with the National Disability Insurance Administration (NDIA), so what does the NDIA do after the plan development meeting? What can you do?
First, the plan you discuss at the meeting needs to be formally approved by the NDIA
Sometimes the NDIA staff member with whom you discussed the plan at the meeting can approve the plan directly; sometimes the NDIA staff member with whom you discussed the plan will send the draft plan to a colleague for review and approval. You will then be contacted by the NDIA Regional Coordinator to inform you of the plan’s approval and a copy of the plan will be mailed or emailed to you. At the same time you will receive a Welcome to NDIS packet that includes:
A letter outlining any decisions made by the NDIA in approving your plan.
A fact sheet about NDIS and how to get started in the program.
Secondly, to contact NDIA with any objections to the approved plan
It is important that you read and understand the copy of the plan and request a review if your circumstances change and you believe that the plan no longer meets your needs, or if you disagree with what has been approved. This process is explained in the packet above. If there is anything in the approved plan that you do not understand, you may contact NDIA.
Again, the NDIA will talk to you about how to begin the
If you accept the approved plan, the NDIA will call you to talk about how to get started. The important part of this call is that they will walk you through the online setup of your network so that you can access your NDIS funds.
The web setup includes:
1. creating a myGov account if you don’t already have one;
2. linking the myGov account to the NDIS Myplace participant portal.
Finally, contacting the appropriate department to begin the implementation plan
You can use a Local Area Coordinator, Support Coordinator, or Early Childhood Partner to assist you in starting your program and purchasing services. You can also manage your own funding to implement the program. It is important that you consider local community organizations and mainstream services in the implementation of your program so that you can maximize the impact of your funding.
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