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3RealMates Disabiltiy Services

is an NDIS Registered Provider

Use your NDIS funds to purchase items your child needs from the allgoodies store

How to claim with NDIS

RTSNS is an NDIS Registered Provider.
NDIS Registration ID: 需要填入
You can use your NDIS funds to purchase your sensory toys, core supports, consumables, assistive products and assistive equipment using self managed, plan managed or NDIA managed accounts.

RTSNS is an NDIS Registered Provider.
NDIS Registration ID: Required field
You can use your NDIS funds to purchase your sensory toys, core supports, consumables, assistive products and assistive equipment using self managed, plan managed or NDIA managed accounts.

What NDIS support products can I claim from The Sensory Specialist?

Self care/Calming/Better Sleep/Motor Skills/Social Skills

RTSNS is an NDIS Registered Provider.
NDIS Registration ID: 需要填入
You can use your NDIS funds to purchase your sensory toys, core supports, consumables, assistive products and assistive equipment using self managed, plan managed or NDIA managed accounts.

How do I make an NDIS
claim with 3RealMates Disabiltiy Services

Making your NDIS claim is based on how your NDIS funds are managed. We support all claim options:

– Self Managed – you process your invoice with the NDIS yourself. Contact us for an NDIS tax invoice.

– Plan Managed – Apply for a quote/invoice from The RTSNS. Send it to your Plan Manager for processing.

– NDIA Managed – your invoices are processed by us through the NDIS Portal.

The NDIS requires an invoice in order to process a claim.

Regardless of how you are managed, all NDIS orders start the same way. To start your NDIS order, simply browse The RTSNS website and add the items you would like to purchase to your cart. Once you’re ready to checkout, follow the instructions below.

The NDIS provides all people with disability with information and connections to services in their communities such as doctors, sporting clubs, support groups, libraries and schools, as well as information about what Government supports are available.

Under the NDIS, you will have a plan that is tailored to your goals, circumstances and disability support needs.

The NDIS aims to support Australian families and carers with the endeavour to support the daily life and functioning of people with additional needs, such as autism, ADHD, hearing impairments, physical and intellectual disabilities.

To determine what disability supports you might need, the NDIA will work with you and your family to develop a plan of tailored disability supports to help you achieve your goals.

They will ask what you hope to achieve in life and talk to you about the supports that will help you get there. This could include your existing supports if they are meeting your needs and goals, such as assistive products for personal care and safety and assistive equipment for recreation.

As your needs change over time, the funding plan can be adjusted to change with you.

To be funded, these supports must:

– be related to your disability

– be likely to be effective and beneficial

– not include everyday living costs not related to your disability support needs

– take into account informal supports provided by families, carers, networks or the community

– represent value for money.

– Personal care and safety – such as our inflatable Peapod, padded sensory playmats and the soft rebound Mellow Mat. We have found the mellow mat especially useful for NDIS clients with autism and physical disabilities.

– Assistive products for recreation – such as our Gymnic Physio Roll Peanut and Climbing equipment such as our Pikler Triangles, slides and scramble nets which help develop the gross motor skills of children with autism and ADHD.

-Consumables and core supports, such as our wide range of fidget toys and educational tools to assist autistic children in the classroom.

The RTSNS is a registered NDIS provider. You can make a claim using self managed, plan managed or NDIA managed accounts.

The NDIS would typically fund a requested support if it:

– Is related to your disability needs; AND + Meets ALL of the following as outlined in the NDIS Funding Criteria:

+ it will help with your individual goals and aspirations

+ it will help your social and/or economic participation

+ it is value for money, which means that: – the cost of the support is similar to or cheaper than alternative options that can provide you with the same outcome and/or – purchasing the support is likely to reduce the costs of funding for other supports in the long term

+ it is effective and beneficial for you

+ it helps to maintain your informal supports

+ it is the responsibility of the NDIS to fund

Download The NDIA Service
Agreement for NDIA (Agency) Managed plans

Contact Us Anytime!

After reading the research and working with your therapy support team, you know the importance of sensory toys, emotional regulation and therapy-based tools.

Don’t wait, use your NDIS funds today!

3RMDS will provide you with a range of services supported by the first NDIS funds to help you achieve your NDIS Plan goals.

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