Our Tutors
Everything you can gain in one platform
Joining our 3RealMates program comes with benefits that you cannot find else where. Our program takes into account your busy schedule and we provide all the support and training that will prepare you for your lessons as well as your future career. Have a look below at a snapshot of some benefits you will gain by joining 3RealMates.
Build Management Capabilities
Earn Money While Gaining Experience
Cross Cultural Learning
Our Mentorship Program
Be Ahead Of Your Peers
Time Flexibility
Our Rewards Program
Be Your Own Boss
Get Started
All you have to do is fill up a simple form, which you can access via the button below! You will then be able to start creating a brighter future for yourself by teaching at 3RealMates.

Get a Head Start in the real world before completing high school
Our 3RealMates tutors gain real world working experience as well as an opportunity to develop their career through our career progression system and mentorship program, provided by our not for profit arm – StudentsLink.
Global Peer to Peer Education Initiative
How Does It Work?

Our 3RealMates Program
Our program provides mentoring, in depth training and guidance. Tutors gets matched with students of similar age and interests in non-English speaking countries like China via an online video conference application (very similar to Skype or Zoom). With a basic curriculum template to follow the tutors are encouraged to build friendships with the students while teaching them basic spoken English.
3RealMates Peer Initiative Program Involves:
- A one-to-three tutoring of students located overseas who have registered to express their interest in learning English from a native English speaker.
- A tutor at 3RealMates will learn and develop vital skills in class management, work organisation, and appropriate interactions with those of the same age.
- 3Realmates moderator who oversees the class for quality and training purposes. This allows for customised training, coaching and feedback for all participants.
Our Tutor Growth Timeline
Here a real example of one of our tutors journey this past year with 3RealMates
Questions you may have
3RealMates Tutors are high school students and 1st year undergraduate students between the ages of 14 to 18 years of age, with demonstrated skills to become educators and a commitment to helping others globally. All you will need is a laptop/desktop and access to internet connection.
- Sign-Up for our program on our website.
- Review and submit some materials and do a short introduction video so we can have an idea of how your speaking skills are!
- We will be providing you with training as well as teaching materials, and support.
- We will then conduct a face to face training where you can practice your new teaching skills on a trainer, for better guidance.
- You will then conduct 4 trial classes so that we can provide feedback and support.
- Sign your contract and teach!
No you do not need to be able to speak Chinese! We encourage our students and tutors to converse and interact in English only.
Apply Today
Are you a motivated student that wants a head start in your career through a paid opportunity? If you are, we want you!